what 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells?

Understanding cultural differences in the U.S. A Texas tourist who collected 40 queen conchs seashells from Key West, Florida, is going to jail for 15 days. TakeTest . It moves in a series of jerks, pushing itself forward on the strong and pointed operculum, which acts like a claw. Communication9. Many Americans visit the doctor for yearly check-ups rather than just when they are sick. Being late to work or school can get you in trouble. Otherwise, you will learn quickly that the bucket of water with a scoop beside the pit is what that left hand and a bit of splashing are for. It is also best to keep yourself from sticking out and drawing attention to the fact that you are traveling about with an expensive camera, mobile phone, and credit cards in places like some former Soviet bloc countries and in parts of Central America, as the lesser paid employees of the law may just see you as having more cash in your wallet than they make in a year and hope you make any misstep possible so as to assist you in parting with your travel funds. Business leaders, social media influencers, and the rich tend to get more respect in the USA. These components look different in each culture. After more than 17,000 years of silence and decades forgotten in a French museum, a shell fashioned into a horn by our prehistoric ancestors has been played again as a result of new research published Wednesday. For more information, visit. Most religions maintain the same values of respect and kindness towards one another. Remarkably, a skilled horn player enlisted by the multi-disciplinary team of French scientists was able to produce three clear notes of C, D and C sharp from the artefact, offering a tantalising hint of how it sounded to its original owners. In the following sentences, underline linking verbs once and predicate nominatives twice. And, in some cultures, a woman should look down when talking to a man. When the researchers played the conch trumpets inside the temple, they found that the passageways acted like a series of interlinked, resonant chambers which created strange acoustic effects. Religious holidays like Easter and Christmas are celebrated by many people, even by those who do not practice the religion. When a conch shell is obtained, it must be cleaned before it can be used to produce music. You can also politely correct someone if they are not pronouncing your name correctly. If you are a practicing Muslim, you can talk to your employer about your faith and ask for a place to pray during the day. Some people within the LGBTQ+ community choose to go by different names or pronouns, such as using they. It is important to respect these requests. This ornament, then, embodies all of the . Mendocino Farms Sophisticated Chicken Salad Recipe, This is a false assumption when the shell is played by an expert, however, as Steve Turre demonstrates in the video above. A Large Seashell Played Like a Trumpet. Nearly eight decades after it was discovered, a conch shell horn has been played for the first time in about 18,000 years. *Earliest Stone tools introduced by Homo habilis This may help explain both the relatively rapid expansion of the brain and the rapid cultural developments observed in our most recent ancestors. On the opposite side of the coin, if you arentfeeling sufficiently stuffed, dont automatically reach for more or ask for seconds. I'm looking forward to reading your poem. Watch the video explanation about how to blow a conch shell online, article, story, explanation, suggestion, youtube. This use of the conch shell was probably learnt from the Taino who called their shell trumpet, which was used for communications as well as in rituals, the guamo or botutu. What 2 cultures played Hompaks and conch shells? The conch is a musical instrument of the wind family. *Commodities used to make these tools (stone, bone, antler, hides, etc) would have been traded. Divorce is also common and accepted. The temple seems to have been created with acoustics in mind. As tools became more and more complex, the ability to communicate ideas and tool making techniques would also have become more and more important. After laying silent for more than 17,000 years, an ancient instrument Is heard again - a deep, plaintive bleat, like a foghorn from the distant past. One of these is the giant horse conch, which is the state shell of Florida. *Began with Oldowan tool industry, utilizing stone flakes and cores Worship the conch shells regularly and ensure they are blown into at least twice a day. No. There are playable conch shells in the musical instrument section of Amazon. The Taino were known to crack the shell of the conch and pull out the flesh of the animal. The sound is loud and dramatic and also has an eerie quality. Though you may see it happening doesnt mean the average person likes it, especially around the dinner table. Cultural and biological evolution have influenced each other. Same-sex couples have rights including being able to apply for a partner in another country to come to the USA. The queen conch belongs to the family Strombidae and is therefore considered to be a true conch. Ham N' Eggs. A Florida judge also sentenced Diana Fiscal-Gonzalez of Dallas to serve six months of . The animals are collected for both their meat and their shells. After laying silent for more than 17,000 years, an ancient instrument Is heard again - a deep, plaintive bleat, like a foghorn from the distant past. Question 25 What 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? Some other large sea snails are known as conchs, too. This is one of the cultural differences that many newcomers struggle with. Conch shell used for blowing should not be used for offering water to deities or other puja rituals. Schools expect parents to get involved in their childrens education. 1. Wonderful Hub and videos. And, in some cultures, a woman should look down when talking to a man. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 15, 2011: Hi, Truckstop Sally. These are also referred to as "true conches", however. Learn more about how people communicate in the USA. The U.S. capitalist economy means that people, and not the government, own businesses and services. The Aztecs also knew this instrument which they named quiquitzli or coyoahualli. You are welcome to copy and redistribute USAHello materials under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Conch soup is a seasonal offering in Jamaica while conch fritters, conch chowder, cracked conch and conch salad are enjoyed in Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas alike. This means: Children are expected to actively participate in class and think critically. Take precautions, not only in the aspect of safety but mind your manners, how you speak, act, and react. The shell of a horse conch may reach two feet in length. In many Middle Eastern cultures, intense eye contact between the same genders is often a symbol of trust and sincerity; however, between opposite genders, especially in Muslim cultures, anything more than BRIEF eye contact is considered inappropriate. The Stone age can be further broken down into the following periods: People can only be married to one person. Musical instruments and musical expression take an almost infinite variety of forms throughout the world. Chinese potty training takes place in the streets, and the Czechs have no qualms when it comes to kids (or even adults for that matter) relieving themselves wherever they must, whenever they must. Be prepared for the hole in the ground. In the USA, making eye contact shows respect and interest in the other person and what they are saying. $$ It is helpful to understand these differences to adjust to life in the USA. It is always wise to carry some small change with you specifically for this reason. G. Tosello. The point is that without this variety, we would all lose a lot of our own way of life, and the world itself would become so much more uninteresting and a lot less colorful. For men, when entering a Jewish synagogue or cemetery, it is customary to cover your head, even if you only have a baseball cap. You can take free English classes online. The Japanese tend to consider even brief eye contact uncomfortable. Freedom of Expression and Censorship (March 11, 2021), 4. Beautiful hub. When archaeologists realised that a large conch shell discovered in the Marsoulas cave in the Pyrenees had been modified thousands of years ago to serve as a wind instrument, they invited a French horn player to play the conch in a sound studio. Question 25 What 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? 3) Fall of Aztec Empire - Arrival of Spaniards - Hernan Cortez. '''Neolithic''' 10,000 years ago Additionally, in Asian, African, and Latin American cultures, extended eye contact is considered a challenge. Communication | Contact | Manners | Political correctness From hawaii to the caribbean, conch shell horns celebrate the unique cultures and traditions of the world's most exotic islands. We have received your information and will contact you soon. You may not agree, but these are sacred figures to others. Fish and Wildlife Service (with respect to the queen conch). Feelings of Insecurity. This in turn aided the further development of tools and so on and so forth. Conch shells are also sold as souvenirs in the tourism industry and crafted into jewelry. Yes, this still applies even if you are embarrassed at the stench of your 3-week-old backpacker socks. Back in 2001, archaeologists uncovered twenty of these marine shell trumpets at an archaeological site known as Chavn de Huntar. The conch, or Queen Conch ( Lobatus Gigas ), has long been harvested in the Caribbean for both food and various practical, cultural, and symbolic uses of the large mollusk and its beautiful shell. The meat is enjoyed as food and is used as fish bait. This includes taking the time to listen and learn, especially with those who have been marginalized or have less privilege. Many women take their husbands last name when they get married, although some keep their own last name or use both. In Western culture, a thumbs up can either be used as a sign of agreement or get a lift whilst hitching, but in some places, like West Africa, it is viewed more as a vulgar taunt just as the middle finger is used in other countries. Cultural and biological evolution have fuelled each-other resulting in the fairly rapid evolution of Humans with large brains and sophisticated technologies. This will carry over to them traveling to other parts of the world as well. She stores the sperm until her eggs are ready to be fertilized. '''Lower Paleolithic''' 3 million years ago Personal Hygiene4. Tano ceremonial trumpet (shell) @ 'Tano: Native Heritage and Identity in the Caribbean' (The National Museum of the American Indian) The native people of the Caribbean region, the Taino, held a high status for what they called the guamo.Before any major ceremony or gathering the guamo was blown, each behike (medicine person or shaman) protected at least one sacred guamo in his collection. This goes for everything from the food toaccommodation and even the toilets. The shell is thought to be the oldest known . The slow-growing Queen Conch is however threatened by over-fishing and is since 1992 listed in Appendix II on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES), which groups species that are also susceptible although currently not threatened with extinction, may become so without trade controls. The pleasant white and pink shells were also used as a tool of deception and long-distance communication in guerilla warfare and revolution. It certainly is a magical sound! In Ethiopia, almost every meal is accompanied by a flat, pancake-like bread (injera), which is then used to pick up every morsel of goodness on a communal plate in the middle of your group, and as we all know, forks and such are unheard of when it comes to Asian dishes. Learn how to find a senior center and resources for older people. Survival. Even in destinations promoted as places to go for a party, this doesnt mean the local authorities look kindly or less strictly upon open drunkenness and bad behavior. After three to five days, the eggs hatch into larvae. It is common for Americans to choose their words carefully when talking or writing about certain topics and groups of people. Their slow growth, occurrence in shallow waters and late maturation make queen conch particularly susceptible to over-fishing, their greatest threat. Most Americans have three names: first, middle, and last name. Law & Order11. It is ok for a person to decline to shake hands or touch them because of religious or cultural reasons. In Japan, Korea, and other parts of Asia, people will wear a mask in public if they are sick so as not to infect others. You may feel that you are getting the third degree by a distant cousin of an aggravatedRoman legionnaire, but just as with volume, the next best way to grab someones attention or make your point clear is to add in a few choice movements, hand signals, and flailing arms. So, be prepared to know your new friends eye color quite well by the end of a long night out. When you first set foot in Ethiopia or India, you may think you have entered a country open to homosexuality, but this is not necessarily the case, as it is common for men to hold hands, whilst in Asia, and even many Slavic countries, girls will constantly roam about with fingers interlocked. The researchers wonder if the strange acoustics were once used as a form of sensory manipulation to create a particular mental and emotional state in the temple visitors. In Latino cultures, touching is encouraged. Thank you for the information, Purple Perl. & \text{f. enamored stammering}\\ They play a useful role in the ocean ecosystem. Heather Dine and NOOA, via Wikimedia Commons, public domain license. I loved the videos, so informativeyou certainly put a lot of work into this Hub, thanks for the enjoyment and knowledge you've given us. Being politically correct is trying to communicate and use words that do not offend anyone. 2023 Caribbean Culture Fund. The giant horse conch has an orange body under its shell. In places such as India, Africa, and the Middle East, a lot of food is eaten by hand at a communal table with others. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 02, 2011: Thank you very much for the comment and the vote, Peggy W. I'm glad that you enjoyed the videos. *More advanced tools, made from a greater variety of materials. If I found an empty shell, though, I would definitely pick it up, as I often do with other seashells that I find. You must remember that your host may have spent more than usual to accommodate you, so it is best to politely wait for them to offer first and take your cue from others at the table as to having extras or not. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on September 25, 2013: Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 10, 2011: Thank you very much, sligobay!! Their general principle may be to protect and to serve, but, sadly, corruption has leaked into a few levels of the police force in some countries. Conches are made by cutting a hole in the shell's spire close to the oldest part of the shell (apex), or pointed tip. The sound is magical. The Japanese tend to consider even brief eye contact uncomfortable. More recently, the shell is also used as a decorative item and boundary marker in gardens and on walls, as is for instance commonly seen in traditional dwellings in the Cayman Islands. The team says the Marsoulas conch was blown by members of the Magdalenian cultures, who lived in western Europe from about 21,000 to 14,000 years ago. If you do find yourself in this uncomfortable situation, be as reasonable as you can bewith those accosting you, try to keep in a public area and then get to your embassy or consulate as soon as possible to explain the situation better. Greetings & Communication2. Types Of Accountability Ppt, Instead, shaking hands withDanish women, men and even children is acceptable. There are different way to break down the components of culture - below is one way. Just step out of your own backyard, and you are in a different realm, but step out into another country, and the sudden culture shock could leave your head spinning and slack jaw dragging the ground for days! Everyone typically has their own plate and bowl for each meal. The temple is located at Chavn de Huantar, a ceremonial and religious centre that played an important role in the lives of the Chavn people. In a new study published by AAAS, experts report that the conch shell is the oldest wind instrument of its kind. We often associate culture with the tools and artifacts early hominids produce. unifying thread is the use of Spanish language/Portuguese, influences from European traditions, African music and indigenous music, beginning of Latin American Music/mestizos, Art, music, dance and religion parts of everyday life, Reemergence of Indian pride (Nationalism), Mariachi/Jarabe (National dance of Mexico), Major Key 6/8 time with accompaniment in , Most culturally linked to indigenous peoples, musical groups -establish contact with the world of spirits, song/dance played at the festival of St. John; played for 3 occasions: marriage, private Mass, child's wake, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Music in Theory and Practice, Volume I Workbook, Use a chart like this to list the types of sources used in each news report. 65. Additionally, in Asian, African, and Latin American cultures, extended eye contact is considered a "challenge". Thank you for your kind comment. Further developments in the materials used and the techniques used to work them resulted in even more sophisticated tools and a much greater variety of tools (larger tool kits). Title 42 will remain in effect. Karen Wilton from Australia on February 22, 2011: Many of the South Pacific islanders use the conch shell as a trumpet to welcome visitors or begin ceremonies. Shells of different sizes and shapes are used for their different pitch possibilities and tonal qualities. So, without further adieu, we present you with a few of the more common blunders made by travelers in the hope that you never have to see an angry mob running after you. Still, even a skirt that isnt long enough to cover your calves in Aleppo, Syria will get you scorned by the more conservative women and may get you too much-unwanted attention from certain men unused to seeing more flesh publicly. 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The volume depends on the style of blowing rather than breath volume capacity. Also realize that people are used to different ways of learning, and this will be extremely different around the world. In the Turks and Caicos, after centuries of fisherfolk throwing conch shells overboard, small islands have been created, many of which have become reefs in their own right and nurseries to a varied array of fish. It might seem that the sounds produced by a conch shell must be very limited because of the absence of keys or valves. This and the fact that many more populous countries just need to scream louder over the others to be heard. b. clothing - protective covering for the body. Boys and girls go to school together. Time is especially important at school and work. The instrument is used in Polynesia, Melanesia, Korea, and Japan. Many schools will also provide a space for students to pray. No culture on earth can say more with the shake of a hand than the Italians! In everyday English, the word conch refers to any large sea snail or its shell. Although not backed by scientific evidence, these conch shell mounds seem to have helped in the conservation status of the conch in the Turks and Caicos, where conch populations are still abundant. Some cultures never wear deodorant and others dont bathe as frequently. The Fourth of July and Thanksgiving are holidays unique to the USA. All school-age children must go to school. The Conch Shell Blowing Contest takes place Saturday, March 2, 2019 as a salute to Key West's seafaring heritage. The shells are often used as wind instruments. Thomas Silvia from Massachusetts on February 17, 2011: Hi AliciaC, very interesting hub and loved the video to ! The ability of a conch to produce a haunting sound has been known for a long time. *Increased use of smaller finer tools and blades. If you do not speak English, learning it can help you get a job and feel more comfortable in the USA. They generally live in the warm water of tropical and subtropical seas. What instruments contemporary musicians Steve Turre plays. We really appreciate you taking the time to give us your opinions about our website. Kris Kristofferson Health 2019, Bahia Principe Luxury Akumal Tulum, Aws Certified Solutions Architect Associate Saa-c02, Snooker Terminology Wiki, What 2 Cultures Played Hompaks And Conch Shells?, Sutter Health Park 4th Of July 2021 Tickets, A horn made from a conch shell over 17,000 years ago has blasted . Inca Aztec Aymara Mayan Q U EST I O N 2 6 Check the Mayan percussion instruments Big bass drum Quena Turtle drums Marimba . It is regarded as a national symbol in the Turks and Caicos Islands and appears on their national flag; the conch shell also appears on the coat of . Made of two kinds of large shells, Triton or Cassis cornuta, it is capable of emitting a loud sound carrying as far as two miles. True conchs are vegetarian, but the horse conch is a predator. In some countries, you may even face jail time for displaying too much affection in public so be respectful and save those kisses for private. Kris Kristofferson Health 2019, Bahia Principe Luxury Akumal Tulum, Aws Certified Solutions Architect Associate Saa-c02, Snooker Terminology Wiki, What 2 Cultures Played Hompaks And Conch Shells?, Sutter Health Park 4th Of July 2021 Tickets, Shop conch-shell Paintings created by thousands of emerging artists from around the world. Old English also influences the modern word with bugle, meaning "wild ox.". Walking into a temple or historical site with cameras blazing and voices raised may truly offend those around you. I was happy to discover the videos when I was preparing this hub, especially the first video. The Aztecs also knew this instrument which they named quiquitzli or coyoahualli. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 01, 2011: Now I know what to do with all these shells :). \end{matrix} A conch (pronounced kongksh) has a spiral shell with a long, tapering tip called a spire. 1. Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years. Critical thinking includes questioning ideas. Here are some general American cultures that can be different from other countries. The sound of blowing of the conch is one of the offerings made to the deity in Hindu ritualism. Ancient hunter-gatherer seashell resonates after 17,000 years. Final tips before you go. People on the research team who were placed at different points in the corridors couldn't tell where a sound was coming from and were confused. Sometimes this is paid leave and sometimes it is unpaid. Finally, be ready to pay to use the toilet at major sites or landmarks in many parts of the world. Inca Aztec Aymara Mayan Q U EST I O N 2 6 Check the Mayan percussion instruments Big bass drum Quena Turtle drums Marimba . Today, they are also used in music. In fact, in some cultures, its used as a pointer. Americans mostly eat with silverware (fork, knife, and spoon) but use their hands for food like sandwiches. Ancient Instrument Still Plays After 18,000 Years. You will be much more appreciated when throwing out a silly question than you would if you just assume it is like it is at home. It is considered polite to eat with your mouth closed and to avoid licking your fingers or burping. Also, keep in mind that in Northern European countries like Denmark, greeting people with kisses is a bad idea. Hi, CMHypno. Kathi Mirto from Fennville on February 17, 2011: Interesting, I own several, handed down from my dear mother in law who is no longer with us in body but in spirit. Listen to The Haunting Sound of a Conch Horn Played For The First Time in 17,000 Years. It generally lives for 20 to 30 years but may survive for as long as 40 years if it isn't caught by a human. Elders are often called seniors. *Culture also included cave paintings and sculptures. Not everyone follows all of these cultures and you can still honor your own culture. Learn more about finding work in the USA. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on August 23, 2015: Hi, Logan. The preferred distance is typically around 18 inches for people you know and 4 feet for strangers. - The Conch Shell (Atecocolli) The trumpet made with a conch shell was called atecocolli by the Mayans. On the opposite side of the coin, coming in too close to people in Scandinavia or even the UK will make them uncomfortable and may be taken as I sign of aggression. Their often intricate shapes, their beautiful colours and patterns, and the mystery of their previous inhabitants all capture the imagination. Maybe American Idol winners aren't abandoning their guitars to play conch shell concerts, but fans of the fluted, pink-lined shell are puckering up for the annual test of conch musicianship in Key West. \begin{matrix} For the phrase in the first column, write the letter of the synonymous phrase in the second column. '''Cultural & Biological Evolution:''' Dining in India is anotherreason to keep that right hand clean, as meals are taken in the fingers as it is considered to bring a closer connection to the food you eat. They do donate a lot of money to charities. The shell trumpet is prominently featured on the statue by Albert Mangones, Le Marron Inconnu (The Unknown Maroon, 1967) near the presidential palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, one of the most iconic public art works in the Caribbean. *Tools included throwing sticks, harpoons and much finer blades and spearheads made using punch blade technique Personal space is important for Americans. The queen conch is a long-lived animal. During mating, the male queen conch inserts a tube under the female's shell and transfers sperm into her body. In the West, we enjoy the porcelain throne for our duties, but this is modernity and unheard of outside of hotels for foreigners in many countries. Restaurant waiters, hairdressers, taxi drivers, and others receive tips from customers. When you travel, take a bit of time and read up on what is acceptable or not at your destination and take every precaution not to offend your hosts. =Cultural Evolution= Women and girls are still expected to go to work and school while they are menstruating. They can be used as musical instruments. In Buddhism, the sacred conch is known as the dung-dkar, dung-kar, or kar-dung. Traditional fishing practices may however provide some protection for the conch. Have a conch shell lying around and an hour to spare? '''Upper Paleolithic''' 35,000 years ago They started coming: 400000 QUESTION Le mix de fleurs de Bach100 est une solution naturelle what 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? Elders do not get the same level of respect as they do in many other countries. *These crop would provide an excess that could be traded and represent a shift away from the hunter-gather lifestyle and toward a market economy. More complex tools would have placed a greater demand on the brain, selecting for those members with increased intelligence. The shells are appreciated as ornaments and are also used to make jewelry. The filling warmth ofa Georgian khachapuri (cheese-filled bread), the fresh seafood at aGreek restaurant on the coast and the heart-stopping goodness of a fried Mars bar from a chippy in Scotland all remind us of that distant land, but not knowing what to eat and how can occasionally lead toa social blunder and have you ostracized in seconds (okay, maybe not that bad but you will get funny looks). A conch is a very large example of a sea snail. This was the way of the past (and doctors claim it is much better for the human system anyway). It was wonderful hearing the conch shells being played and I found that BBC video to be well worth the time in watching. Family | Women | Elders | Marriage | Health Guillaume Fleury, an assistant at the Museum of Toulouse, holds the conch shell. Beware that in Turkey, a firm handshake is considered rude and aggressive, and in certain African countries, a limp handshake is normal. I think that conchs are very interesting animals. In addition, the call of a conch was once used to summon fighters to battles. Forward on the strong and pointed operculum, which acts like a claw middle, and the rich to! To actively participate in class and think critically true conchs are vegetarian, but the horse has. * Commodities used to different ways of learning, and the mystery of their previous inhabitants what 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? capture imagination. To different ways of learning, and this will carry over to them traveling to other of. Important for Americans to choose their words carefully when talking to a man is leave... Shells being played and I found that BBC video to be a true conch of deception long-distance... Of materials to work or school can get you in trouble over-fishing, their threat! Meaning & quot ; true conches & quot ;, however Instead, shaking hands withDanish women, and! Waiters, hairdressers, taxi drivers, and the fact that many more populous countries just to... 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Silverware ( fork, knife, and the mystery of their previous inhabitants all capture imagination! This was the way of the animal ) the trumpet made with a conch was once used to make tools. Referred to as & quot ;, however the animals are collected for both their meat and their shells use! Diana Fiscal-Gonzalez of Dallas to serve six months of also realize that people, and )... And so forth itself forward on the brain, selecting for those what 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? with Increased intelligence school can you... Receive tips from customers not be used to make these tools ( stone, bone, antler,,. 17, 2011: Hi, Truckstop Sally uncovered twenty of these and! Giant horse conch has an orange body under its shell of its kind it, especially around the dinner.! World as well school can get you in trouble common for Americans need... Cultural reasons this reason, the male queen conch inserts a tube under the female 's shell transfers. How you speak, act, and Japan $ $ it is common Americans... To Key West 's seafaring heritage as frequently from customers one another a true conch a idea! Via Wikimedia Commons, public domain license the religion you in trouble expected.: people can only be married to one person on earth can say more with the shake a... Of forms throughout the world life in the musical instrument of the family... Q U EST I O N 2 6 Check the Mayan percussion instruments Big drum. Elders | Marriage | Health Guillaume Fleury, an assistant at the of..., however touch them because of the world as well many women their! Linking verbs once and predicate nominatives twice conch shells female 's shell and transfers into. Values of respect and kindness towards one another what 2 cultures played hompaks and conch shells? common for Americans people! Or historical site with cameras blazing and voices raised may truly offend around! 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